S2 Ep2 – “Who’s looking out for you?” – The Conversation with Robert Field, Pete Cafarchio and Rick Diana

You’re a hard-working leader responsible for protecting and improving the backbone of your organization. It’s a never-ending job that takes energy, vigilance, constant improvement and keeping up with all the latest industry trends. 

But as you’re giving your best to your organization who’s looking out for you? What about your own personal development? Who can you trust to have no agenda other than your own success?

This session will be unlike any others in the conference. Using an interactive, fireside chat format you’ll hear about how one tech leader took his life and career to the next level by partnering with both an agent and a coach. He’ll tell you about his challenges, what the engagements were like, and the results that he got.

Valuable Voyage

Your money maker is the business tool belt you wear each and every day.

How do you monetize your capabilities? Can you brand your skill sets? How do core values affect your personal brand building? How can you make the most of your business voyage? Join us for this “CAREER CORNER” installment designed to boost your professional worth and strengthen business integrity! If you want some expert advice, please consider tuning into Rick Diana in episodes E86 and E87! Safe travels on your voyage!

Projecting Your Talents

Part two of this series explores harnessing, networking and messaging your talents. Rick’s straight forward approach enables you to convey and monetize your proven uniqueness. The next 80 minutes will give you tools and confidence to project your true value to the corporate world! We encourage you to share this episode with family and friends!

Innovate New Jersey celebrates Trinitas Talent Management and other NJ entrepreneurs that make a difference

Innovate New Jersey recently held an event featuring New Jerseys most up and coming exceptional companies. Trinitas Talent management was one of the featured companies of this event. You can view the full segment here, or you can click here to view the shortened version.

Trinitas Talent was selected from among its top peers in the state for their excellence in advancing the field of Talent Placement. Rick Diana works tirelessly to help bridge the gap between exceptional individuals and exceptional companies. In his founding of Trinitas Talent Management, Rick Diana works with exceptionally talented individuals to help match them with their dream careers, and build the skills and connections needed to acquire that position.

A Dozen Ways To Accelerate Your Job Search in 2021

Watch this video for a dozen ways to accelerate your job search.

One does not simply wake up a success one morning. It requires years of effort and dedication to build yourself up as a valuable asset. Being a valuable asset however is not enough in today competitive job market, job seekers must go the extra mile to separate themselves from the herd and land the position of their dreams. I have built a list you can use to help land you a career that will make you happy based on my decades of experience.

  1. Document Your Goals With Intention
  2. Think things through and create a playbook
  3. Be a friend to your phone
  4. Analyze employment industry data and establish your true value
  5. Study the business of your target employers
  6. Negotiate early and often to establish a positive outcome
  7. Personalize your ideas, BE BOLD, and trust thy brand.
  8. Accept feedback from your trusted advisors
  9. Adopt and practice the rule of 42
  10. Networking is a discipline
  11. Start a mastermind group
  12. Create your narrative by leveraging the power of linked in.

Remember, Its not what you say about yourself that maters… its what others say about you that really counts. Just incase you didn’t get the message the first time, here is another video to explain the steps a potential job seeker should follow to get themselves ahead. Ready to have some one on your side in your job search? Contact me today.

This is some more content about the videos


When exactly did it happen that picking up the telephone became such a chore…to actually place a phone call that is? “Pick up the phone” sounds as archaic as “hold the line”.  Once the definitive expeditor, between two parties who needed to talk live and to talk now, this 20th century stalwart now plays second fiddle to speedy, two-thumbed texters and QWERTY typists.  When it comes to technology, how did THE VOICE ever lose out? The great invention has been unfairly shunned in favor of other devices and methods, whether Email, Social Media, Instant Messaging, Texting, etc. 

For job seekers, the phone deserves its rightful place as it streamlines communications and enhances conversations.  It personalizes interactions, encourages immediacy, and often results in mutual satisfaction for both parties. Yes, two people.  We’ve all recently participated in the explosion of live video and are more readily realizing its benefits.  However, I urge job seekers to not sleep on 1:1 phone calls. What better way, sans a face to face meeting, to engage a potential employer and make a good impression? If you are able to move your candidacy forward and move to the head of the class versus your competition, why not befriend the phone? It will take effort and some planning and practice to trust The Phone…to like The Phone. But I urge you, to pick up the phone, as good things will result.

The world is changing, and the future is digital.

The Digital World is a contemporary expression to communicate the importance of digital technology, services and tools to  communicate on the Internet, smart devices, the Internet of Things and other digital sources. We are barely entering the early  stages of the so-called Digital Revolution and its impact on business is unprecedented. Yet, the pace and volume of business  grows daily and the effects are profound. Never before has there been a more powerful influence on human behavior,  irrespective of country or culture, than the combined effect of digital technologies. The tremendous effects of this shift on  society are dramatically changing our leadership responsibilities whether in politics, business, teachers in school, or parents  raising children. 

From a worker’s perspective the impact is significant. Gone are the days where the previous generation of workers would  land a good job, dedicate 30-40 years to a single employer, and retire with a pension and a gold watch. Today, it’s forecasted  that workers will experience at least twelve or more employers during one’s career, whether as a conventional “employee” or  alternate engagement routes such as a Subject Matter Expert or Freelancer or Independent as fostered by and through the Gig  Economy. 

Waltzing into an interview with a resume that states where you earned your college degree will not deem anyone  “qualified” for a prospective opportunity. On the other hand, these workers have plenty to tackle with current employment  demands, continuous learning choices, plus the pressure to achieve relevant marketability. The expectations to refresh  competencies and develop new skills are in full force as existing jobs are being replaced and eliminated primarily due to  automation. Many recognize the necessity to take on more extensive upskilling and reskilling to regain marketability. Given  the amount of effort and time required to keep an individual’s skills sharp, one must embark on continuous learning, in-house  training, certification upkeep and other professional requirements such as corporate and social responsibility. These activities  are extremely time consuming and undoubtedly creep into the “day job”, much needed leisure and a normal night’s sleep. The  workday has been extended in duration due to our “always on” work environment. The demands are further fueled by mobile  habits and our ever present connected Digital World

When does the information worker find the time to do the tasks necessary to minimize downtime between work  opportunities: tasks such as branding and marketing oneself, resume writing and updating, networking and perfecting  interviewing skills? These are just a few of the activities whereby the Trinitas Talent Management team can transform careers  via a proven and systematic approach with clear and concise guidance. The outcomes? The first is a robust workforce that is  more creative, adaptable, innovative and secure within the expanding digital culture. Second, an executable plan that can  pave the way toward consistent and repeatable achievement. 

One’s financial obligations are a continuous journey. Even when a worker is gainfully employed and earning well,  introducing uncertainty during a transition period of unknown duration can still lead to financial, family, and stress related  concerns. Trinitas Talent Management is engaged with an array of subject matter experts to enable clients a refreshed view  of the Gig Economy and one’s rightful place in the Digital World. We help our clients to understand and interpret, on a  personal or professional level, what the stated or unstated opportunities could mean in simple terms. We help clear the fog  no matter what the various pundits are touting, whether economic, human capital, societal, corporate or political.  

People are asking: 

  • What exactly are alternative income opportunities?
  • Can I really monetize my unique skills without relying on a traditional corporate job? 
  • How might I prepare to diversify my income stream in the event of an economic downturn?  – Is the Gig Economy just a term or something I can leverage for my future?
  • How can I better serve others in the Digital World

Today’s record employment numbers will not remain forever. It’s up to each individual to  

craft a game plan consistent with one’s desired level of employability and marketability.  

Trinitas Talent Management is here to help these workers not only survive but thrive in  

the new digital economy. It’s time is to work smarter not harder by putting us in your corner.